Teaching and engaging those pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is part of our comprehensive drive - and policy - to ensure that every child receives the care and learning they deserve.
Our SEND co-ordinator is Mrs Claire Lewis and she is happy to chat though any concerns you may have about a child's progress. In collaborative discussions with parents, carers, teachers and the SENCO we may feel that your child has need for support or help from an external agency such as Speech and Language Therapy, Learning Support or Educational Psychologists.
For pupils at Brampton Abbotts C.E Primary School, their needs are met using three levels of intervention, described as ‘waves of support’ which support access to the new National Curriculum.
Wave 1 is the provision of quality inclusive teaching which takes into account the learning needs of all the pupils in the classroom. It includes differentiated work, flexible groups and creating an inclusive learning environment.
Wave 2 is the provision of specific, additional time limited interventions provided for some pupils who need help to accelerate their progress or enable them to work at or above their age-related expectations. They are often targeted at a group of pupils with similar needs.
Wave 3 is the targeted provision for a minority of pupils where it is necessary to provide highly tailored intervention to accelerate progress or enable children to achieve their potential.
We also follow the SEND Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle as recommended in the SEND Code of Practice 2014, to inform the support we offer children with additional needs.
As a school we are able to offer Drawing and Talking Therapy as an intervention to those children who need help with their emotions. As part of our mental health provision for all children we are also able to offer Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA) as an intervention.
As part of the 'Children's and Families Act 2014' every provider for additional needs is required to give a summary of what it can offer to help support and care for pupils that may require additional support in school. This is known as the 'SEND Information Report'.
Please click and download the link below for details of what we offer as a school and further details about who best to contact if you have any further queries or questions.